DSP difference to H8000A and H8000FW

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    • #107724


      is there a difference in DSP power to the H8000A from 2005 and a new H8000FW?




    • #121745
      Eventide Staff

      Essentially the same dsp power. The main thing is the FireWire and extra AES that the H8000FW brings to the party.

    • #121757

      But speaking of DSP,  on my previous eclipse, i could load a chorus and then a seperate EQ program on the single DSP.  on the H8000FW i have in my rack, I have to load a chorus into DSP A and then load the EQ into DSP B.   Why can't I load both of these into DSP A?  Because the objective in buying this was to have the guitar player on DSP A and the Vocalist on DSP B.

      I thought there was more flexibility with the H8000FW.

    • #132996
      Eventide Staff

      The H8000 and Eclipse are different machines and work in different ways. The reason why you can load 2 programs into a single dsp on the Eclipse is because these programs are much smaller. The H8000 in general runs larger more sophisticated programs, and thus only one fits into each dsp.

      But, the H8000 offers you the option of combining smaller programs using vsig, which, if you are prepared to invest a little time in learning, may be the solution for you.

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