H8000FW AES connection (multi channel)

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    • #105894

      I know that the H8000FW has a stereo AES protocol (up to 96khz) and a multi channel I/O option for 8 I/O's I believed (please correct me if i'm wrong) several question about his AES (8 I/O) option: 1. Is it posible te send/return 8 channels at 96 khz at the same time?
      2. If my audio Interface doesn't support this 8 I/O AES protocol, what options do I have if I would like to connect it by AES 8 I/O?

    • #117967

       The H8000FW offers 4 channels AES-EBU via XLRs connectors + 8 channels via DB-25 connector and an optional cable for it. If your audio interface doesn't support (multi-channel) AES-EBU, there is no way around. You can only buy  professional one that supports 8 channels. Obviously the configuration of sending/returning 8 channels at 96KHz depends on such hardware and the DAW used with it. The H8000FW can operate via 8 AES-EBU I/O at 96 K.



    • #117969

      Thanx again Italo for you quick reply!

      Well, thats just what I ment; I only would like to use the AES 8 I/O by the DB 25-connector (and cable). For streaming 8 channels of FX at 96khz.

      Well, I've got a Lynx AES16 PCI card what could do the job. The Sad part is that I would have to intergrate the AES16 PCI card as another ASIO in my DAW/ PC (for make a connection with my H8000FW as I/O's interface). And since my computer (PC XP proff. sp2 32 bits) supported one ASIO, that's gonna be a big prob.

      My main ASIO audio-interface is my Prism Sound Orpheus.

      Also it's a bit nasty working and switching with several software mixers (since the orpheus and Lynx AES comes both with a software mixer/interface).

      So I guess, this option is gonna fail. 

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