new Factor Pedal Library Manager now available as public beta

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    • #106514
      Eventide Staff

      Eventide is proud to announce the availability of a beta version of FactorLib, an application for Mac and PC which can be used to backup, re-order and sort presets for the TimeFactor, ModFactor and PitchFactor pedals.

      Registered users may download the beta version from the appropriate product support page. Do note that this is a beta version and may have undiscovered issues – you should only use it when you have plenty of time, and be sure to backup all presets before using it.

      Be sure to read the installation instructions in the User Manual first.

    • #119211

      NICE!!! You guys have been busy!!!

      Thanks again


    • #119212

      This is a great updated, and a much needed tool… Thank you eventide!!

      However… I was dissapointed to find that you can Name a preset in FactorLib, but it won't display on the stompbox Super Angry

    • #130340

      looks like this might pave the way to being able to name the presets on the Factors though?????


      That would make me VERY happy too.

      Loving the new updates too.

    • #119215

      I really hate to complain, but why no OSX Tiger support?  A large portion of the music production world is on Tiger for compatibility purposes.  You have just cut out a large number of functioning studios, home and pro.  Can you guys reconsider this and make the release Tiger compatible?

      I see Windows goes all the way back to XP.

      Thank you!

    • #119216
      Eventide Staff

      Basically, for unknown reasons, it does not currently work on Tiger. We will try and fix this, but I fear that Snow Leopard has to be the Mac priority.

      Windows goes back to XP, because XP tends to work, and not many of our people use Vista.

    • #130341

      I'm a newbie to midi stomp boxes. I've got my pitchfactor connected to my computer via USB, dumped the presets (all & current), opened FactorLib but can't find the .syx file that it's looking for.  What happens when you dump?  Does it create a .syx file on your computer that you use in FactorLib to edit?   I've searched far and wide in the manuals and online and am dumbfounded.  Any help is much appreciated.


    • #130342

      This is a much needed feature.  Having patch names would make it much easier for live use

    • #130343

      Naming of presets would make it so much easier for live use!

       It would be awesome to be able to have it display a custom song name or patch name.

    • #130344

      The editor works fine with Windows 7, USB and TimeFactor (well, mine atleast), so chances are it'll work fine with Vista as well.

      Awesome addition (along with an equally awesome software update) by the way !

    • #130346

      ledeutsch wrote:

      "I'm a newbie to midi stomp boxes. I've got my pitchfactor connected
      to my computer via USB, dumped the presets (all & current), opened
      FactorLib but can't find the .syx file that it's looking for.  What
      happens when you dump?  Does it create a .syx file on your computer
      that you use in FactorLib to edit?   I've searched far and wide in the
      manuals and online and am dumbfounded.  Any help is much appreciated."

      When you load all of the patches from your Factor to the computer nothing is created until you save and then a syx file will be created and you will be prompted to name and where to save the file. You can move patches around and reorder them in the librarian and if you want them on your Factor in this order then you must load them back to the Factor and don't forget to resave the syx file after you edit or change anything in the librarian. Does this make sense?

      I have found one bug in the librarian. I am on Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and every time I try to change the font the librarian crashes. I can change the font size but if I try to change to a different font then it instantly crashes.

      I would also like to name patches even if you only have access to 7 characters.

      The only other thing that would be nice is to actually be able to edit the patches themselves in the librarian, in other words have virtual knobs in the librarian to represent the front panel of the factor. Then you could tweak on the computer and have it reflected on the factor. I realize this may not be possible at all or maybe it's on tap for further down the road. If this is possible maybe more parameters could be made available for each delay type, in other words now you have a limited number of knobs on the factors so there are only so many parameters available to edit in each delay type but if you could edit on the computer you wouldn't be limited by this. Yes you wouldn't have a knob on the factor to change these "hidden" parameters but I could live with that. Maybe we could assign a hidden parameter to the xknob since that's the wildcard in each delay type anyway.

      Hopefully that makes sense.

      I really like the new presets there are some wonderful sounds there!! Great work!!


    • #130349
      Eventide Staff


      I'm a newbie to midi stomp boxes. I've got my pitchfactor connected to my computer via USB, dumped the presets (all & current), opened FactorLib but can't find the .syx file that it's looking for

      You should us FactorLib to download the presets ( File/Open from MIDI). If successful, they will appear on the program screen. Then, use File/Save to save them to your desired location.

      The PF Dump command is for use with other applications such as MIDI sequencers – it won't in itself create a file.

    • #130350
      Eventide Staff

      Ed Drake:

      every time I try to change the font the librarian crashes

      Ooops – we'll fix it in the full release. Thanks

      Ed Drake:

      I would also like to name patches


      I'm beginning to see a trend here. We expected it …

      Ed Drake:

      would be nice is to actually be able to edit the patches themselves in the librarian,

      Also expected, I'm afraid. This is more difficult than you would imagine, as it would require porting a lot of Factor code to the PC/Mac. The next version WILL have the ability to edit expression pedal settings.

      Thanks also for the reply to Mr ledeutsch.

    • #130351

      anyone using OSX w/ FactorLib?  How do I manipulate/save the settings of the PitchFactor w/ FactorLib?  I've hooked everything up, dumped the PF, opened FactorLib but can't find (a) the dumped midi info or (b) the actual PF.  Someone please point me in the right direction, I know this is easier than I think but have run out of patience.


    • #130352
      Eventide Staff


      The editor works fine with Windows 7

      Thanks – you're way ahead of me. I'm still trying to find a Vista machine ..

    • #119225

      Merci, danke, thanks!


      This looks really cool!. I can't wait to use that thing



    • #119226

      Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    • #119231

      bummer, dude. I have been fooling around with this for a while, now i see why I can't get it going. I, too am running Tiger.


    • #130364


      Can someone briefly explain to me how Sysex relates to the Library Manager? (I run a Mac and Time factor))

      Is the tf.syx file in the library similar to a Sysex export of all presets from the new version? The only diffrence being that in this file the presets have the names on it?

      I just don't want to bug the TF



    • #130372
      Eventide Staff

      The tf.syx file is the MIDI dump of presets, much the same as you would get by using MIDI/DUMP/PRESETS. It is safe to send it to the TF.

      When FactorLib saves presets with names, it saves the names to another file, e.g. tf.xml, which does NOT get sent to the TF.

    • #130382

      Thanks Nick it makes things a bit clearer so name are not enclosed in MIDI dump but only in the XML 

      So far I'm saving the presets in Documents/Sysex. 

      When I open my own back up from this folder with the editor it does not display any names

      Shall I conclude that I have to save my back ups in the library and not in my documents, open the editor to change their names and sort them and finaly resend everything to the TF

      (not sure if I'm completely clear on this – just trying to play a bit with it)



    • #130383
      Eventide Staff

      If you download presets from a 'Factor they will not have any names, as the pedals do not currently support named presets.

      FactorLib does support names, because we hope to support preset naming at some time in the future (note – this is a hope, not a promise).

      So, you can add/change names for your own amusement, but they will not currently be sent to the pedal, Which also means that they will not be returned by the pedal.

      Even though the pedals do not currently support the names, we think it useful that the Librarian does.

    • #119262

      I'm testing on Win XP sp 3. So far, here's what I've found:

      1. File, Save As is the only way I can get a document to save. CTRL-S; File, Save; and the Save icon on the icon bar do not appear to work.

      2. If you have a preset in the editing mode and you attempt to change the font, the program crashes.

    • #119796

      I have found these two exact same problems on my mac running OSX 10.5.8, I also am having trouble deleting presets when I want to. Anyone else found this?

    • #130935
      Eventide Staff

      Both these problems have been reported earlier. They will be fixed in the next version – in the meantime the workaround will be apparent.

      What problems are you having deleting presets ?

    • #130939

      Hi Nick

      The only way I can delete a preset is by cutting it. I cannot find a simple delete option in the menus and delete on the keyboard of the mac seems to do nothing.

    • #130940
      Eventide Staff

      The delete key should (of course) work. I've not heard this from anyone else, but will look into it. Thanks !

    • #130942
      Eventide Staff

      I looked into it, and the delete key above "return" indeed does not work. This is probably because it corresponds to the Backspace key on a PC keyboard.

      On my Mac keyboard, there is another return key above the cursor arrow keys – this does work.

      Some people use a PC keyboard, in which case the "Del" key would work.

      So, to avoid confusion, we should make the Backspace key the same as the Del key. Next version.

    • #131224

      First of all I want to say THANKYOU !! This is such a useful tool to have I am loving it!

      I am running it on Snow Leopard and changing the fonts on my Mac does not crash the Librarian on my machine.  I am using version 1.1 not sure if it is a later version to the one mentioned above.

      I think maybe the " holding down the shift key" option as described in the read me file should be the default.  i.e.  When you drag and drop the preset I think it should just replace the preset that it is moved to rather than shuffling everything down.  This would make it more consistent with what you would do on the Time factor is saving a preset to another location.

      I know that some have commented in other threads about editing presets from the librarian and this would be a big ask.  Would it  be possible to display the values even without the editing?

      Obviously this data would already be stored somewhere in the .syx file somewhere?

    • #131242

      Hi Nick

      Thanks for the quick reply about the delete issue. Has anyone managed to save more than 18 presets with factor lib. I can only save up to 9:2 anything above that is deleted when i reopen the file.

      The fact that you can do any of this with a delay pedal is brilliant anyway,


    • #131243

      I cannot seem to be able to get this Librarian program to pull presets from my TimeFactor.  I think that this is the second or third thread that I have posted in, but I am dying to get a fix for this.  I am able to update the firmware via USB, but when I go to "open from MIDI" I get nothing and the Librarian locks up.  MIDI in/out is set to the TimeFactor.  Any help will be greatly appreciated…

      Thank you in advance – Mike

    • #131244

      Hi.  I have not noticed this problem.  I have noticed that the librarian will only pull the number of presets from the timefactor depending on what you have the number of banks set on.

    • #131245

      Hi mate.  I also had a lot of trouble updating firmware from V1.0 – latest.  After multiple attempts with both my Mac and PC with XP I was able to get it to work on my Mac with 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

      I found with the firmware is was halting during the update process on both computers at about 5%.

      One thing for sure you should definitely do if you haven't already is unplug everything that is USB except for mouse and keyboard, timefactor and do a fresh restart to aviod any USB driver conflicts.

      Can you start up the librarian without the TF connected?  Seeing that both firmware and librarian don't work it looks like you could have a driver conflict or something.

       I've also read multiple threads with people having trouble with Macos 10.4 Tiger as I believe it is not supported.

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