H8000 FW – banks concept and use

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    • #106746


      -I have set a bank in the card where all my presets start with 2xx.

      -In the criteria I have set the machine to "see" just the presets stored in the card.

      -I have stored a preset numbered 222

      -The machine I want to control via midi program change has a program (201)  loaded in the same card's bank where I have stored my preset 222

      -When I send program change 22 it loads the preset 222 in the default factory memory instead of the one in the card.

      May I ask why ?

      Does it mean that it's not possible to save programs with the same numbers of the presets that are already stored by default ?

      It also means that the "criteria" which you can set to decide what you want to see when scrolling through presets is only valid for what you see and not for the control of the machine, right ?

      Hope to have been clear with my poor english…

      My best,


    • #119714

      Hi Luca

      you may want to check the User Manual about User Groups (=MIDI Maps). The H8000 uses such groups to define which presets you want to load via MIDI. A default factory User Group loads a number of presets. That is the reason for what you see there.

      Criteria do not set MIDI usage of presets. They only serve for UI purposes.



    • #119721

      Hi Italo,

      yes, I know about midi maps, I just prefer to go the easy way to be able to set up my footcontroller midi programs faster, easier and safer.

      Let me just ask you another question: when I load in the pc the H8000's card in which are stored my presets I get a folder named "H8000". There I find all the presets named by the memory number they have been saved with.

      I want to change the first 2 numbers of the 4 they are made of so to be able to assign them to another bank. If I rename the file number and I loadthe card again into the H8000 I see the number doesn't actually change. Is there a trick to allow a fast preset numbers' change ?

      I think I remember that in the dsp 4000 era there was a user made application to allow a faster banks' organization, does it still exist ?

      Another question: is there any chance to avoid the same program to be loaded twice when the same program change is sent via midi ?

      Thanks a lot,


    • #130834

      We don't recommend touching presets on a card, as changing data may corrupt something. No knowledge of any application to organize banks on the H8000.

      Are you sure the uniy reloads the same preset again, when receiving the same PC?


    • #130844

      Thanks Italo,

      I was hoping there could be an easier way to organize personal presets than going through many steps in the menues.

      There is a strange thing happening when saving presets in a card from a position to another: after I save 3 or 4 presets the machine doesn't "see" the card anymore and I need to reboot it.

      Anyway, I find that being able to copy the card's content to the laptop and be able to save a folder with all the presets, routings and setups in it is a very useful thing. This way I can easily make a backup card with all the vital tools and keep another safe copy in the laptop.

      And yes, the H8000 is the only machine in my rack that does load the same program twice when calling the same program change.

      my best,


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