Time Factor – expression pedal not holding the setting?

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    • #107314

      After a couple of minutes of switching on TF, whatever setting I am using starts to change by itself, without me touching the expression pedal. It seems to be random, jumping from 1 or 2 notches to 20 or 3 at its most egregious.

      When I play with the pedal, the setting does change as expected, but when I take my foot off it, it doesn't "hold" the position, and starts wavering again. I have tried it with two pedals the EV5 and the M Gear EXP, both brand new.

    • #120843
      Eventide Staff

      Does this occur with the pedal disconnected ? If not, it probably is the pedal, although it's unclear why it happens with the two pedals. Bad cable or dirt in the socket, maybe ?

      There is the tiniest possibility that it is a hardware fault, but we have no records of this happening. You will have to send it back to us to check this one way or the other.

    • #120847

      had the same problem with my pitchfactor here is
      link to the post I sent to the forum


      I sent my PF into
      tech support and the tech was awesome to deal with but they could not find a
      problem or reproduce the problem I was having.  I thought I was going
      crazy but I know I was having the same problem that you describe.

      They returned
      the pedal to me and miraculously the problem was gone and it has not happened

      Tech support
      suggested that maybe the unit had got shaken up during shipping it to them and that fixed the

      I would send it
      in and have them take a look at it or ship it to yourself and maybe the same
      UPS miracle will be bestowed
      upon you too.

    • #120848

      Thanks! Maybe I should shake it about, or send it to myself 🙂

      I tried something else today – I blew REALLY HARD into the expression pedal input jack. I had a gig today, and it very surprisingly gave me no issues. I simply can't believe that might've done it, so I am going to keep monitoring and send it in if the problem comes back.

    • #132075

      I have experienced exactly the same problem, and thought that might be caused by the vibration of me thumping my foot on the floor close to the expression pedal in time with the music. I'm a bit skeptical about blowing into the expression pedal input jack because of all the humidity and spittle that accompanies it, however do you think it is safe to blow some compressed air into the expression pedal jack?

    • #132077
      Eventide Staff

      Shouldn't be too sensitive – presumably it has a bit of @*&% from the floor stuck in it – a gentle blow and a shake should do it ..

    • #132079

      Well, the blow seems to have worked because I didn't haven't seen any issues. Hopefully the humidity thing won't bite me in the a$$ 🙂

    • #132080
      Eventide Staff

      The a$$ should survive – the contacts are plated, so rust should not be a problem. For the socket, that is.

    • #132152

      Hey Nick – no luck I am afraid. It's still jumping like crazy. What do I need to do to ship it to you guys to take a look?

    • #132154
      Eventide Staff

      If you think it needs to come back you should contact support@eventide.com

    • #132177

      My Timefactor is new (I think I bought it in July 2010), it has never been used on the floor with my feet (only on top of my amp with my hands), it is always covered when not in use, it has never been outside, and I blew clean compressed air through the jacks as you recommended to no avail. The numbers keep jumping all over the place when connected to the auxiliary switches and/or expression pedal! Additionally when using the looper, the display will frequently appear like it does in bank mode, and after I step on an aux pedal, the display will briefly change to a play mode parameter before properly acting like the looper. Sometimes it takes a while for it to start acting this way, but once it does it continues for the rest of the session. Please advise.

    • #132178
      Eventide Staff

      It could be a hardware fault, in which case you should contact your dealer or support@eventide.com.

      But, before you do this, consider another possibility. The unit can be set up so that the AUX switches and pedals can control multiple things. It is entirely possible to set it up so that this happens, in which case the multiple overlaid messages can be confusing. I would suggest you do a CLEAR SETUP to return the unit to factory defaults (see UM), then go through the AUX Parameter Destinations and turn them all off. Then only enable the ones you want. My guess is that this will fix it.

    • #132196

      Thanks. That cleared up the confusing messages, but not the "value jumping".

    • #139595

      Hey, Im having the same issue. I have no idea what the heck is wrong with these pedals, seems like everyone is having the same issues

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