Several Factors controlled by Midi

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    • #107482

      Hey guys,

      I'd like to control my Timefactor and Pitchfactor by Midi signals. I tried to use the Timefactor with an external switch but now I have the problem that if I send a program change from the timefactor to the Pitchfactor the effects are always on. Is it somehow possible to change a preset but that the preset is not active on the pitch/timefactor? Why can't I store active / non active for every preset?

      Is the only way to make a kind of neutral preset to get this working (or buy a huge midi switching board?)



    • #121218

      I debated this issue, too, and decided that, for me, it's easier to change programs on each pedal separately. Then again, most of what I play is improv and not nearly as structured as some bands I've been with before.

      The only thing I could come up with is having one preset that is basically nothing (mix 0%), then using the program control maps to control which preset comes up for each program change message. Either that or having a whole bunch of presets that are empty.

      I definitely see the need to do what you're talking about, but I'm not sure that there are any other ways to do it than to get a dedicated MIDI board capable of sending both program change and CC messages.

      I'm curious as to what others' solutions to this have been… I'm sure there will come a time when I will want to do this, too, and I'd love to have other options, or at least know what works for others in this situation.

    • #121220

      Liquid Foot Jr.

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