Update Factorlab and Beta Software…

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    • #107873
      Billy Foppiano

      Do we have any idea when Factorlab will be updated? IT does have problems (first 20 arrays are bad, and it won't save the names,)

      Also, TF software hes problems (looper and display)



    • #122107

      The naming works fine for me on all patches BUT I had to reset and initialize the pedal first to get this to work correctly. I suggested that you try this but you seem reluctant to do it.

      I think you said you have 10 banks (?) of your own presets that you are afraid to lose but if that's what's holding you back I'd write down on paper all of the parameters for those presets then reset the pedal and recreate those presets. Someone around here created a blank template you could use to help with this.

      I'm not sure that a new version of Factor Lib will help you if you don't reset the pedal first. I think the scrambled numbers on the display have to do with those patches being saved with the older version of Factorlib and there is no way they are going to ever transfer correctly. I think you need to start from scratch.

      My two cents, I'm not trying to stir up anything.

    • #122108
      Billy Foppiano

      I did all this. And still had problems…..

      I can load my presets individually.

      Can you write names in FactorLib, and have it transfer to the pedal? That might be worth messin with.

    • #133399

      Billy sorry I didn't realize you'd reset and reinitialized back to factor settings. It 's taken some people several tries to get it to work so I'd keep trying

      Update the pedal one more time then reset the pedal AND reinitialize back to factory presets, both things are in the manual. After that I bet you will have all of the names and all of the factory presets, that's the only way I could the patch names to work. If that does work then I'd save the whole reinitialized factory library back over to FactorLib so you have a fresh uncorrupted copy of all of the factory patches.

      At that point you could edit the parameters on the pedal to get all of YOUR patches back, save on the pedal then save those over to the FactorLib as a new library. You should be able to name the patches from FactorLib or on the pedal but you have to remember to save them back and forth so everything's been updated in both places (both in FactorLib and the pedal).

      I still think somewhere along the way you're trying to send your old presets from the FactorLib and it's corrupted the patch names on the pedal, this happened to me too. The only way I could get it to work was to totally go back to square one which sucked a little because I lost a few patches but I didn't have that many and I've slowly been getting them back but now EVERYTHING is working so it was worth it to me.

      I really hope this helps!! Give it another try.

    • #133400
      Billy Foppiano

      OK, I spent more time wih this,,,

      I have held off from monkeeing with the pedals, because I was waiting for the Factorlib update…

      I stayed with the TF in 2.4, because the old Factorlib wouldn't save the 3.0 software, and when I updated MY presets, they didn't translate into 3, and they would ocilliate widely…

      So now, here I am , and there are "undocumented features"….

      So I re-initalised the presets and system,,,,BUT I saved my System parameters (my 3 button Digitech BOX) with the SyseX program, and THIS time I was able to reload it in.

      I thought last time I might have corrupted the system somehow,but this time, everything is being reproduced. So here's the order….

      I updated the system Software 2-3 weeks ago…..I monkeed around, and finally arrived in a state I could work with. I let it go until this morning

       I saved the System (3 button Digi parameter)in SysEX, and I saved MY 20 patches. that I programmed i FactorLib. I saved it as a total dump (120 or so patches). Then I I re-initialised everything this morning.

      All the patches names were good.

      I loaded MY patches in, patch by patch. I named them in the Editer, but they didn't transfer over. If I tried to load the whole bank (after I stripped out the first 20), I got alphabet soup on all MY patches. If I load individually, no alpha-numeric problems.

      Like the Talking Head tune, same as it ever was.

      IS THIS YOUR BEAUTIFUL EFFECTS BOX? Can you save the patch names IN THE EDITER?

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