Expression Pedal and Hot Switch Assignment

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    • #107968

      I am curious about a few things with the Expression Pedal assignments for the Pitch Factor and the hot switch and expression Pedal assignments

      1) It appears that when there is more than one parameter assigned to the expression pedal all the heel and  toe assignments can be accessed using catch up.  However if there is only one parameter assigned only one assignmnet (it appears to be the heel) can be seen in catchup.  Not a real problem as when there is a single assignment both paramenets are listed in the display.

      2)In some cases the same parameter seems to be assigned for both the Toe and Heel setting for the expression pedal or hot switch. ( In PF Preset 1.2(Teeange Wasteland) the assignment for both the Toe and Heel assignments appears to be -1oct. while in Space preset 7(ModEchoVerb) the Ynob appears to have the same setting(MODRATE 50).  I was under the impression that if both assignments were the same that it would have bee unassigned, and there for not shown as assigned in the display.  Is something else happening with these parameters(ie rising from heel to middle position then falling from middle position to toe)?



    • #122343

      Sorry, made a few errors(it was early this morning!)  The two pedals I have are the Space and Pitch factor.

      Also when only one paameter is assigned to the exp pedal,at least in the PF,  I can only see one of the parameters(some times toe and sometimes the heel, depending on the preset).  After moving the expression pedal from toe to heel, it appears to stay in expression pedal program mode as the catchup no longer works as the parameter changes immediately with out the turn < or > indicator.

      Must say I love both of these pedals!!!


    • #122436

      Just wondering if anyone else has noticed these Expression Pedal and HotSwitch settings on the display?



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