MIDIclock to H8000fw

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    • #108431

      I did a search and found someone with the same problem, but didn't see the solution, so please forgive me if this is a repeat. I'm assuming my problem is human error, so hopefully someone can point out what I missed. (it's 11pm in Germany right now, so my brain isn't all it could be.)

      I've got MIDI enabled in SETUP>MIDI. I've set MIDICLOCK as the source in SETUP>TEMPO, and I have a MIDI cable running into the IN port on the H8000fw. But when I send MIDI from my DAW, the tempo field doesn't change.

      The cable is coming from the THRU port on a synth that is receiving MIDI from my DAW. The synth gives no problems, so I'm assuming the H8000 is receiving the same signal.

      Have at me, guys. What am I too stupid to see here?Smile

    • #123146

      MidiClock works fine here.

      I am not shure if your Synth send the MidiClock through the Midi Thru.

      Be shure that your DAW send the MidiClock in the wright way .

      e.g Logic has special Rounding about this Parameter.

      Good Luck

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