Pitchfactor power jack loose/sensitive – unit often resets or resets in a loop

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Pitchfactor power jack loose/sensitive – unit often resets or resets in a loop

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    • #108662

      I've heard this happen to other folks. I have both a Timefactor and Pitchfactor the and TF's power jack is fine but the PF's is loose – sometimes the unit will reset, as if I unplugged the power, when I engage a preset or accidentally graze the power cable with my hand. Sometimes when it resets, it will keep resetting in a loop – on/off, on/off, etc. until I hold the power cable a certain way.

      I'm using a voodoo labs pedal power 2 plus to power both factor pedals.

    • #123354
      Eventide Staff

      Probably needs resoldering. If it's out of warranty, find a handy friend, or return it to us or your dealer. Could also be physical damage to the connector, or a problem in the jack itself.

    • #125255

      I just started having the same issue. I purchased it a year or two ago on ebay and was in perfect working order. Can eventide do the repair?

    • #136074
      Eventide Staff
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