Old volume issue, How to use the TF Looper right then ?

Home Forums Products Rackmount Old volume issue, How to use the TF Looper right then ?

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    • #108768

      Problem is simple… when you want to use the looper and hear what you play you must change the wet/dry parameter but than the volume drops !!!!!! When I use parallel routing its better but if i want to loop fx a ( like a sweller ) I don´t want any dry signals recorded by the loop…so no option!

      the thing is… On the Timefactor Stompbox the did it right with the mix knob…NO volumedrop at 50/50…

      so I must say I am a little disappointed to spend 2000 euro and can´t do proper level adjustment!

      So eventide…do sometthing about this…we need a software update, where there must be an option to do 50/50 wet dry mix without volume drop ! Please !

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