I'm used to using an expression pedal hooked up to my MIDI foot controller to control parameters on my Factor pedals. But I haven't tried it yet with my Eclipse.
I've been reading the manual (sec. on External Controller), and I think I get the main concept, but i'm not 100% sure.
I think I'd select Ext 1 and choose "MIDI single" (for coarse control of the parameters–values of 0-127, which is what I'm accustomed to with the Factor pedals and other devices). Then I need to choose a controller number (presumably any one will do??), *or* I can use the "capture" function and automate the process–right?
I'm a little confused why I have to send a MIDI message on base channel + 2. I can certainly do it, but I will need to change my base channel (currently channel 6) to some other value, since I have another device on MIDI channel 8 (base +2=8).
Also, what I want to do is control the mix level of a preset (mostly likely #195) from just about completely dry to completely wet. How do I gain control over *that* parameter?
Any help?