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October 7, 2013 at 11:35 pm #111135
Hi Folks, after few days, this is my own MIDI controller thinked for the H9 and my first DIY. My H9 is now very cool and very handy, I'm not a big fan of Menu and hidden buttons so I've done what I needed.
Here is the controler on the right :
The little test movie :
If you want to see the making-off check this :
Hope you like it 🙂 !
October 8, 2013 at 3:13 am #124889
Sweet man, that looks great!
October 8, 2013 at 8:09 am #124890
WOW! That is totally amazing. Brilliant effort!
October 8, 2013 at 1:48 pm #124891
Thank You madmac 🙂
October 8, 2013 at 1:49 pm #124892
I'm very proud that the Eventide team like my controller :). Your algorythms are fantastics !
October 8, 2013 at 10:55 pm #135732
holy crap, that is your first DIY, impressive, the graphics too, well done.
October 9, 2013 at 12:24 am #124894
That is an incredible accomplishment. Professional appearance, practical application, cross-'Factor capabilities, and a creative tool all rolled into one slick unit. DIY people like yourself keep MIDI from being pushed into obscurity.
Well, Eventide, there's your prototype. When can we expect the production models of Poppy's ControlFactor to start rolling out? It worked for power supplies.
October 9, 2013 at 8:58 am #124895
Thanks you everyone. Yesterday I've tried to play with my controler and its very cool to play with the delay for example (auto-oscillation, like with analog delays), and to have access to all parameters. It can be used without H9 control app. The EXP pedal control the Whammy (PitchFlex algo) : The sound is awesome.
Well, my H9 is ready to go on stage with me.
It could be cool that Eventide produce this, I will be so proud :).
October 9, 2013 at 8:02 pm #135734
Looks great !
October 21, 2013 at 7:17 pm #135749
This is my new custom DIY.
The idea : use a BossFV500H Foot Volume and Expression Volume. Initially, you can't use both because this is the same potentiometer (a double potentiometer) so if the volume is down, the expression is at 0 and if the volume is up, the expression is at max.
My idea : use a footswitch like on a wahwah pedal to switch volume to expression fonction.
I have add a LED when the Expression mode is engaged. The volume is at max (truebypass of course) when the expression is engaged.
If you want to see the step by step customisation : http://www.sweepyto.net/Forum-Guitare/Topic-Guitare.aspx?id=45090
I actually enjoy the PitchFlex 🙂
October 21, 2013 at 7:33 pm #135750
Wow! That's a great idea. Very versatile!
August 26, 2014 at 6:49 pm #126592
How much will you sell one of those for? I would like to buy one.
August 26, 2014 at 9:15 pm #126594
Hi Sneaky. All the pieces of the Midi controller cost approximatively 200 $.
I can make it for 350$ in one Month (because of the part receptions (approx 2 weeks for the Midi controller card)
I live in France.
The shipping cost depends on where you live. From 20 to 60 $
If you want to talk about that : http://www.facebook.com/franckgraziano
October 21, 2014 at 6:14 pm #137487
Bonjour Poppy,
Excellent work once again on this H9 controller. Tres bien!
I've been following your updates on the Sweepyo Web site and was wondering how the capacitor bypassing on the potentiometers is working out to tame their jumpiness. Was there any capacitance added to the sweep (middle) terminal to ground or just between the power and ground connections to the pots (outside terminals)? Does the cap bypassing seem to be working for the footswitches as well?
Also, you stated in the update that you changed the code to make the pot inputs more sensitive but shouldn't it be the other way to make them less sensitive and thus less jumpy? Or was this to have the complete rotation of the pots fully expressed in the broadcasted MIDI values?
Merci beaucoup a l'avance pour votre commentaries.
Mark -
October 21, 2014 at 8:39 pm #137488
Hi Marcusm and thank your for your interest.
Decoupling capacitor prevent Midi unwanted error (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decoupling_capacitor). They are wired between power and ground.
I thought that I had sensitive problems but in fact, i wrote to the Highly Liquid conceptor and he tell me to add the decoupling capacitor close to each pot. I had to footswitch for prevent (i ve seen some on new Marshall footswitches). I also think that I could have less problem with better pots.
Hope I have been helpfull :).
October 22, 2014 at 6:09 am #137490
Very nice work!
March 7, 2015 at 6:07 pm #138480
Hi everyone!
Here is my second H9 MIDI controler for an american guitar player. Two new options : switch to another MIDI channel (perfect if you have two H9) and disable the pots (handy on stage).
Hope you like it :).
March 7, 2015 at 6:15 pm #138481
See how it works : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lFKXP_xZVE
March 10, 2015 at 7:38 pm #138511
this controller is perfect!! its like u read my mind!!
i was also going to ask about multiple H9 connections and ur 2nd DIY just solved it!!
this is an amazing box!!!! i would really like to get my hands on one…
i am not sure if the USB port on the h9 can be used for midi, but would be great if that kind of option could be explored as well.
Great Work!!
March 10, 2015 at 9:30 pm #138513
Poppy, very nice work on a well thought out controller. Will it control up to four H9s with footswitchability between the units? Also, just curious is ET okay with you using their trademarked logo? (not bashing but that is a huge no-no! Even on a one-off prototype.). I hope they do consider producing, or marketing under license, a similar controller. Again, nice work and with just a couple of refinements could be a very viable product.
March 10, 2015 at 11:28 pm #138515
You have probably seen the MIDI controller already being marketed that mimics the layout and function of the Factor series stompboxes. I prefer your design with its additional features. I would respectfully suggest making the MIDI Channel 1-2 switch a 5-way rotary for Omni, Ch 1,2,3,4; and expanding the layout to five footswitches in two rows staggered to mimic H9's two plus three aux switches. (Most important footswitch functions available at all times are probably Bypass, Tuner, Preset Up, Preset Down, Performance/Hotswitch.) I did a concept drawing of a similar controller for ET pedals to use those controller boards a while back and you are very close in design and fully executed, so bravo!
March 11, 2015 at 1:00 am #138516
Thank you very much :). I don't know about the usb/MIDI behavior
March 11, 2015 at 1:06 am #138517
It's only a hobby so I only have make two controlers. Eventide never said a thing about this so as it's not in a commercial way (I give all the sources) I suppose it's not problematic ? Is it ?
I was thinking about a footswitchablility unit but the guitarist prefer to do it manually. It can be possible to do this kind of selection. Its only changing MIDI channel. Nevertheless I suppose it need another electronic component because I don't think the MIDI cpu I use can do that (it use jumpers to select MIDI channel)
March 11, 2015 at 1:10 am #138518
Hi again.
I didn't know there were a MIDI controler for H9. Do you have a link, I'd love to compare with mine :).
Your suggest are good. In my case I use the stompbox on my pedalboard so I don't need to have active or tap button. Nevertheless I have customise my volume pedal like a wha wha. when pressed, the volume pedal becames an Expression pedal. Handy for the whammy (pitchflex) preset :).
Thank you for your message I appreciate.
(Are you french ? ;))
March 11, 2015 at 3:43 am #138520
Non, je suis Americain de Kansas, mais j'ai etudier le francais a l'ecole. Votre effort est formidable, felicitations! Continuer le travaille dur, et bon chance! Disaster Area Devices markets several semi-custom multi-switch midi controllers intended for ET, Strymon, and other MIDI fx and DAW. http://www.disasterareaamps.com/shop .There is also a rotary knob midi box out with layout like the Factor stompboxes, sorry the info escapes me at the moment. Here is my sketch for a multi-H9 controller:
June 17, 2016 at 8:58 am #143602
Hi guys here is 3 new MIDI controllers.
– One with a Fader (hotknob) and rotary encoder (preset select) and active.
– One with a footswitch to switch between to H9 or control the 2 insame.
– One classic as I’ve done before (one toggle to switch between H9).
Hope you like it :).
June 17, 2016 at 1:13 pm #143603
June 18, 2016 at 7:17 pm #143608
Nice work, looks good!
I would still like to see something like this (see attached image) with slider for Exp Pedal control and slider select of Omni/ch1/ch2/ch3/ch4 to select among 4 H9s.
March 27, 2017 at 10:03 am #145990
Hey folks, It is now possible to order it on http://www.evenmidi.com/ Worldwide shipping.
There is now a lot of new features :
- Solo Mode or Dual Mode (to control two H9 units simultaneously or separately)
- Live Mode : Direct access to 6 presets (program Change footswitches)
- Standard Mode (Control Change footswitches)
- Looper Mode (Direct access – Direct Out – REC PLAY STOP EMPTY TAP – Switch to another H9 while playing)
- 10 potentiometers
- 4 “soft(quiet)” footswitches momentary
- EXPRESSION PEDAL Input TRS + Calibration
- 2.1mm DC 9V negative center (standard Boss)
- Channels Midi settings
- Screenprinted Enclosure
- Firmware update with miniUSB
- Saving the last state after turned off
Video Demo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yum9R9N_1uY
March 27, 2017 at 8:18 pm #145993
Congrats! Looks nice. Will buy in future!
March 28, 2017 at 12:15 pm #145995Per wrote:
Congrats! Looks nice. Will buy in future!
Thank you very much Per 🙂 Waiting for your futur order ;).
March 28, 2017 at 6:51 pm #145999
What an amazing idea you have pulled off here, really impressive!
March 29, 2017 at 12:36 pm #146005
Bravo, c’est vraiment un beau projet, avec une belle attention aux détails. Longue vie à EvenMIDI !
March 30, 2017 at 3:26 pm #146018
Is it plug and play, or is there a lot of midi setup to do to get it working’?
March 31, 2017 at 8:40 am #146027jfcharles wrote:
Bravo, c’est vraiment un beau projet, avec une belle attention aux détails. Longue vie à EvenMIDI !
Merci JF 😉
mistercharlie wrote:Is it plug and play, or is there a lot of midi setup to do to get it working’?When you order the controller you receive the full notice AND the quick settings notice (online version: http://www.evenmidi.com/en/content/6-h9-quick-settings). Honnestly the quick settings can be achieve in less than 2 minutes, by default knobs are already sets on Eventide H9.
April 2, 2017 at 5:20 am #146043
Hey- Poppy-
How do your Pots work, in terms of Midi CC messages?
Absolute? Relative? Latch?
Im trying to get a different controller working, and I am not loving how the knobs interact with the H9… maybe I can steal knowledge from you 🙂
April 2, 2017 at 4:02 pm #146044madmac wrote:
Thank you mate 😉
camn wrote:Hey- Poppy-
How do your Pots work, in terms of Midi CC messages?
Absolute? Relative? Latch?
Im trying to get a different controller working, and I am not loving how the knobs interact with the H9… maybe I can steal knowledge from you 🙂
Are you searching to use CC as ” catchup ” like the Timefactore feature (but not present in H9) ?
I don’t know the controller you actually use, have you try to write to the manufacturer ?
April 2, 2017 at 10:09 pm #146051Poppy wrote:madmac wrote:
Thank you mate 😉
camn wrote:Hey- Poppy-
How do your Pots work, in terms of Midi CC messages?
Absolute? Relative? Latch?
Im trying to get a different controller working, and I am not loving how the knobs interact with the H9… maybe I can steal knowledge from you 🙂
Are you searching to use CC as ” catchup ” like the Timefactore feature (but not present in H9) ?
I don’t know the controller you actually use, have you try to write to the manufacturer ?
That would be totally awesome.
Im using an Arturia Beatstep- But I am under the impression It can’t do it because I only attach a single MIDI cable.
Does yours do this? Catchup? Or does it just pickup the absolute position right when you start to turn the knob?
April 3, 2017 at 12:05 pm #146055camn wrote:
Im using an Arturia Beatstep- But I am under the impression It can’t do it because I only attach a single MIDI cable.
Does yours do this? Catchup? Or does it just pickup the absolute position right when you start to turn the knob?
You are right : how to catch up a pot if you don’t know its position from H9 ?
The Catchup feature is handled by Timefactor but not H9.
I use absolute position but if one day H9 will be update to do Catchup it will works as Catchup if option is enabled.
April 2, 2017 at 4:52 pm #146045
The site http://www.evenmidi.com/ does not have a SSL certificate. I would like to buy one, but my order is on hold until the site becomes certified.
April 2, 2017 at 6:15 pm #146046Enron wrote:
The site http://www.evenmidi.com/ does not have a SSL certificate. I would like to buy one, but my order is on hold until the site becomes certified.
Hello Enron. Payments are exclusively done via Paypal. The website EvenMidi doesn’t handle payment so you don’t have any worries about security.
When you order a new page open at checkout : it is a Paypal SSL page (https://www.paypal.com/). You can pay thank to your paypal account or directly with your credit card. If you have any problem or questions feel free to write me back here or on the evenmidi website ;).
April 3, 2017 at 12:01 pm #146054Enron wrote:
The site http://www.evenmidi.com/ does not have a SSL certificate. I would like to buy one, but my order is on hold until the site becomes certified.
Hello I’ve seen with the technician this morning. Now the whole site is secured : https://www.evenmidi.com.
Hope you appreciate. Franck
April 3, 2017 at 2:51 pm #146056
That’s an amazing accesory! I’d love to see something like this implemented for use with my Axe-Fx.
January 3, 2018 at 6:02 pm #148024
Hello guys let me introduce the new EvenMidi H9 Midi controller 2nd Version
In order to meet user demand, I have modified the controller and added a multitude of features to make it the ultimate MIDI controller.
Youtube Demo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EhaExyW1zwList of new features:– 2-digit display– Control of 1 to 4 devices simultaneously or switching from one to the other.– Scroll presets or use banks behavior (9 banks of 3 presets = 27 presets)– Pre-configured for working with Eventide pedals (H9-Factors) and Strymon (TimeLine-BigSky-Mobius)– Can work with any Midi device working with Program change switching– Customization of the targeted devices (e. g. a whammy or an amplifier) in order to be able to change the preset (via PC), bypass it (via PC or CC) and change its parameters (PitchBend, CC) using the knobs or an expression pedal.– Customize the 27 presets with the ProgramChange/Bypass/Off/knobs/expression you want for all devices targeted.– Limit the number of presets to improve comfort on stage– Pots can be turned on/off– Fast scrolling presets when holding down footswiches– Fast enter/exit to the Looper for the H9/TimeFactor and Timeline devices.– New enclosureMore informations on http://www.evenmidi.comAll the best and happy new year 2018Franck from EvenMidi -
January 3, 2018 at 6:21 pm #148026
Wow, the new version looks awesome! Great work!
January 4, 2018 at 9:04 am #148034gkellum wrote:
Wow, the new version looks awesome! Great work!
Thank you very much gkellum 🙂
March 1, 2018 at 3:26 pm #148543
I just added a second H9, and I hooked it up to my first one via MIID. However, when I hit the PSW switch on the EvenMidi controller, it just acts like a regular performance switch.
I was expecting it to toggle between controlling the two different H9 pedals.
What am I doing wrong @poppy?
March 1, 2018 at 3:51 pm #148544mistercharlie wrote:
I just added a second H9, and I hooked it up to my first one via MIID. However, when I hit the PSW switch on the EvenMidi controller, it just acts like a regular performance switch.
I was expecting it to toggle between controlling the two different H9 pedals.
What am I doing wrong @poppy?
You don’t mention the settings of MIDI devices in the EvenMidi. If you use 2 H9 you have to go in the Midi (“Mi”) menu and add a device (H9) on Midi channel 2. If you have only one H9 set (factory default) the PSW footswitch sends CC04 (you can configure your Eventide H9 to do what you want with that (PSW or Tap tempo or Tuner…)) and the Midi Led status turns to blue when PSW is pressed (= midi message sended). Follow the user manual to add this second H9. If you have trouble I can make a video for help :). Regards. Franck
March 1, 2018 at 4:00 pm #148546
I think I worked it out:
I’m the EvenMidi midi settings, I selected MIDI channel 2, and then selected H9 using the Devices knob. Then I stored the new setting.
Is that right? The PSW Switch now changes devices. The new device is called U4. Can I change it to be U2?
I don’t see any mention of how to do this in the manual.
March 1, 2018 at 5:27 pm #148549mistercharlie wrote:I think I worked it out: I’m the EvenMidi midi settings, I selected MIDI channel 2, and then selected H9 using the Devices knob. Then I stored the new setting. Is that right? The PSW Switch now changes devices. The new device is called U4. Can I change it to be U2? I don’t see any mention of how to do this in the manual.
Ok it’s because you have targeted the 4the device. Do the same thing on 2nd device targeted (knob DelaiTimeB and Depth) then put 4th device off (Fdbck B). Store and you will have the Unit2 instead of Unit4 :).
March 1, 2018 at 9:31 pm #148553
Fantastic! Now I understand.
March 11, 2018 at 8:06 am #148635
This appears to be a really impressive product! I feel like I could understand and use the H9 MIDI Controller which is the opposite of how most MIDI controllers make me feel. Good job!
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