midi clock + midi through

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    • #111155

      Hello there,

      Newbie question:

      In my midi chain, I would want my H9 to sit between the midi controller and the synth.

      That way, I can use the midi controller to … control H9 midi parameters on the fly.

      I also want thr H9 to be responsible for setting the midi clock, and the tempo, for the synth' LFO & Arp & … to use.

      Obviously I want my midi to pass through onto the synth so that … I can actually play some music.

      How do I do that? On the surface it seems that I can only have one (the clock) or the other (midi through).

      Midi gurus, I ask you: what am I missing? Surely my setup is fairly common, I can't imagine this not being supported by Eventide.

      Kind Regards


    • #124916
      Eventide Staff


      On the surface it seems that I can only have one (the clock) or the other (midi through).

      As far as the H9 goes (and most other MIDI pedals), this is correct. MIDI Thru is just the buffered input signal.

      To do what you want, you will need a MIDI merge box from someone like MIDI Solutions.

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