Phase issue with H9 and Suhr Mini Mix II that does not occur on my Eclipse

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Phase issue with H9 and Suhr Mini Mix II that does not occur on my Eclipse

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    • #111609

      I bought a Suhr Mini Mix II recently to use with the insert send/return (on my Bruno Super 100) that I usually use with my Eclipse.  Parallel effect loops can be nice and the Mini Mix II and Eclipse work well together.

      I just got a new H9 today and when replacing the Eclipse with the H9 in this configuration, I get a strange comb filter/out-of-phase issue whether a preset is active or not.

      I also trouble shooted the loop configuration with an old MXR Stereo Chorus and there is no issue there either (and works well as with the Eclipse) …

      Is there something special or a setting in the H9 (or a defective unit) that can be adjusted so that the H9 will play nice with the Suhr?

    • #125904
      Eventide Staff

      Have you tried the KILLDRY setting (see UM) ?

    • #125905

      It stopped loading presets, etc. after I posted ….

      Got a replacement today and it works fine right off the bat, haha.

      Thank you:)

    • #125908

      The replacement H9 sounds very nice but now the midi doesn't seem to be working  — H9 set to OMNI on Midi receive channel and I left the Program Change map as it was …

      In other words, if the H9 is set to receive the midi data via the "In" midi port from a verified device, such as my RJM foot controller or my Nobles MS-4 (midi channel selector for my guitar amp), the H9 does not respond to the midi command changes initiated by my foot controller whereas the Eclipse and the MS-4 do …

      Ideas on this new question?

      btw: is there a way to create a midi command to mute the effects and display the tuner?

      Thanks in advance ….

    • #125909

      In followup, I have discovered that in order for the midi changes to be received by the H9 the USB cable (used with a computer) must be removed from the H9 — I am not sure if this is documented but it sure would have saved a lot of troubleshooting time if it is; further, I am not so sure how advantageous this limitation is — maybe a software fix is possible, etc.?

      thank you again!

    • #136621
      Eventide Staff

      This is a limitation of the hardware. Sorry. See User Manual p.28 for information.

    • #136624

      Thanks Nickrose — the remaining question is whether the tuner can be setup as a patch that can be accessed by midi?

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