Hello, I ve been reading all the post about changing the batterie in the H7600 Harmonizer. I read that Italo de Angelis recomends only the BR 2330 but, Nick said that CR2330 is the same. In my country is impossible to find a BR2330 but I could find a CR2330. The unit that I have its used, from 2008, in the setup menu before changing the batterie said Total Hours / Powered 54399 / 499. Now when I changed the batterie (with the unit disconected from the AC Outlet) of course program were lost, I know but, when I verified the Total Hours / Powered menu tab it says -577190 / -577190. I used the equipment for 2 hours and the next day I verified again and its says -577160 / -577188.
so, questions: 1) Why the sign minus before the numbers? 2) The first number its OK because the 30 hours was the time between the 2 hours that I used it and the new power on. 3) The first 6 digits, total hours since left the factory dont make sense now and why the time pass and the number decrease? 4) I used the equiment for 2 hours and this decrease the total from the second 6 digits number, its that correct? Thanks for your answers. Alex