Factor pedals plus ehx super ego = strings

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    • #111812

      I’m using a germanium muff4 into a superego on auto mode into a eventide pitchfactor and time factor to make some pretty convincing strings

      I thought this was pretty neat and would share it


    • #126401

      That sounds great.  Nice technique. I just picked up an ego.  what were your settings on the ego in auto mode?

    • #126402


      Speed 9 to 12 oclock

      gliss zero or 7 oclock

      dry zero or 7 oclock

      wet to taste, for my rig 12 to 3 oclock

      the key is running a low gain od in front of the ego, the ger4muff works best for me however I found the ocd or sould food od works as well

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