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    • #112222

      I had two coupons left and I tried to purchase an algorithm. I had a strange message about my account and eventide and then the coupon was lost. I tried again and was able to download the same algorithm with my last coupon. I am also waiting for eventide to de-register my PF that I bought used. That way I can get everything integrated in the H9 control. (I was able to save my PF presets but not update the PF).

      Here is an heads up if you have to de-register  a used pedal, that was not de-regesterd by the prior owner.: Eventide will want a pic of the serial number and your user name. I forgot about including my user name (it is a bit obvious but one can not assume such things). Good news is that Eventide did get back to me fast-ish. I sent the email to support Sunday night. They got back to me Monday afternoon. I am sure this would of been all done but I did not see the email back to me till after working hours on the east coast.

    • #127308

      Any news regarding these issues?

    • #127313

      Totally great, PF up and running. 

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