H9 Cannot Listen to Sample Algorithms From Store

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 Cannot Listen to Sample Algorithms From Store

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    • #112231


      I recently received an Eventide H9 pedal for christmas and I also received a free coupon for an algorithm on the store. I went to the store to try to listen to the algorithm's however when I click play on them I hear nothing. I have tried hooking it up several different ways but no luck. I would like to listen to their sample before trying them as it says you can only try one every 24 hours. I am working on the windows pc application for the Eventide H9. I am on windows 8.

      Thank you all for your help and time. 

    • #127340


        Were you expecting to hear the audio from the H9? The demo audio comes out of your computer (not out of the H9.)

        You can, however, hit the "Try" button and then play through the effect in the H9 itself for a limited time.

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