Sharing Algorithms between H9 and H9 Core

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    • #112269

      Hello, I'm sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, but I did a search and couldn't find an answer.

      I have an H9 Core and am looking at buying another unit for a different board I am setting up. If I purchase the standard H9 will I be able to load the algorithms that come with it on my H9 Core? Thanks a lot!

    • #127398
      Eventide Staff

      Yes. Any algorithms that you own, those that come 'bundled with a standard or that you purchased separately, will load on up to 5 H9s registered to the same user.

    • #127399

      Thank you so much for the fast reply! Just to clarify if I purchased an H9 and then later sold it I would lose those algorithms that I had not purchased but only came bundled with it. Thank you again!

    • #138075
      Eventide Staff

      Correct. If you sell an H9 CORE, the buyer gets an H9 CORE.

      If you sell a STANDARD, buyer gets a STANDARD (and it's algorithms). Same for MAX.

      If you have a CORE and a STANDARD, the CORE runs all of the STANDARD's algorithms. If you sell the STANDARD, the CORE only runs the one algorithm that came with it and any algorithms that you've purchased independently.

      We realize that this is a bit confusing but we didn't invent it.

      It's a consequence of selling algorithms through iTunes.

      • #141863

        Hello. my understanding before buying my seconf H9 was that the new H9 core BECOMES an H9 max (the first one i bought). if algos are physically transfered to the stompbox, meaning the H9core does not need to be connected to any laptop in order to behave as a H9 max, i m really wondering why when selling it (none of my intent indeed) it would suddenly come back to its former Core configuration. from my understanding this would happen if the buyer registers his “Augmented” H9 to a new account which would not be bound to any H9. Then sure it would be easy for Eventide to downgrade it to its original settings. no magic wand needed !

        Now, if the H9core needs to be connected to a laptop (and even worse to a laptop with the H9max connected as well) in order to behave as an H9max that would really go against everything i have read or seen (from Eventide videos) or heard (from my retailer)

        all hypothetic as i have not yet tried 🙂

        all the best

        great product btw 🙂


        AAgnello wrote:

        Correct. If you sell an H9 CORE, the buyer gets an H9 CORE.

        If you sell a STANDARD, buyer gets a STANDARD (and it’s algorithms). Same for MAX.

        If you have a CORE and a STANDARD, the CORE runs all of the STANDARD’s algorithms. If you sell the STANDARD, the CORE only runs the one algorithm that came with it and any algorithms that you’ve purchased independently.

        We realize that this is a bit confusing but we didn’t invent it.

        It’s a consequence of selling algorithms through iTunes.

    • #138561

      Hello, thank you again for responding to my question. I have two H9 Cores and recently purchased a Max. I am having trouble figuring out how to load the algorithms from the Max onto my Core units. When I plug the Max into my computer and open the Control app I see all the algorithms, but when I disconnect it and plug in one of my Core units I only see the algorithms that are on that unit. Can you tell me how to load the other algorithms on my other H9s? Thanks!

    • #138562
      LA Keys

      In my case I had nothing to do. I bought a max and a core. If I connect any of them I see all the Algos on the app…

      Did you register both devices under the same account? If so you should see both of them under registered devices in the app.


    • #138563
      LA Keys

      Ok, now that I'm in front of my computer I see that with the H9 control software you have to go to the "settings" tab, then "Eventide account"

      There you should see all your registered stompboxes and. since you have a MAX, you should also see all the algorythms.


    • #138620

      Alright I get that same thing if I go to the "Settings" tab and the "Eventide Account" I can see all of the Algorithms, but I can't figure out how to load them onto my other H9s. When I go back to the "Algorithms" tabs it only shows me what is on my pedal and when I go to the store it prompts me to buy the other Algorithms if I want to use them. How do I load the other algorithms from my Max onto my other H9s? Thank you!

    • #138621


      How do I load the other algorithms from my Max onto my other H9s? 

      Under Settings, there's also a Restore Purchases function.  You can use that with your other H9s connected to sync all the algorithms in your account onto your other H9s.

    • #138623

      That worked, thank you so mucuh for your help!!

    • #141470

      Below are the steps for converting your H9 Core into a mirror image of your H9 Max.

      In order to do this you’ll have to own both units and if you sell the h9 core it’ll loose it’s presets, once registered to the new owner, unless they’ve purchased all of the algorithms installed and/or also own an H9 Max.

      1.  Launch the H9 Control Applicatioin

      2.  Register your H9 units to your account.

      3.  Once the units are registered to your account select “Preset Lists” (at bottom of H9 Control App)

      4.  On the left of the page you should see icons for your “PC” and, directly under it, icons

          for each of your H9 Devices.

      5.  Select the H9 Max unit (identified by it’s serial number) and select “Save To PC” at top of H9 Control App.

      6.  Once saved select “PC” then select “Save to Pedal”

      7.  After selecting “Save To Pedal” you’ll be prompted to select the pedal you’d like to load the

          presets to.

      8.  Select the H9 Core (based on it’s serial No.) and execute the transfer.

      9.  That’s it !

      Hope this helps…….


    • #141871

      ignore my previous message. the one posted before solved my pb. thx !

    • #141898

      I have transferred the presets from my Max to my Core. However, both boxes will not pair with my tablet at the same time. How do I get around this?

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