H9 Control boot delay (about 5 minutes) on OSX Mavericks (10.9.5)

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    • #112451


      Two days ago I started H9 Control app on my mac and and it started to act strange.

      In particular the app take about 5 minutes to boot (!?!?!)

      It happens with or without pedal or network connected.

      I tried several times to complete uninstall and then reinstall…

      No results, the app stay frozen on the first black screen for about five minutes, then it starts and works absolutely without problems.

      I think that there are some processes that stay still until timeout.

      Are there any hidden preference file that I can delete to reset completely the app?

      Thank you!

    • #127664


      Are there any hidden preference file that I can delete to reset completely the app?

      There is a settings file at ~/Library/H9 Control/h9_settings.properties that you could delete.  

      We've never heard of anyone having this problem before.  Are you using the latest version of H9 Control v2.1.1?  (You can check what version you have under Settings / About.)

    • #138669


      thank you for the reply!
      I have currently installed H9 Control v 2.1.1.

      I removed manually the preferences but with no results…

      But, finally this morning I resolved the situation!

      I give you a fast report, maybe it should be useful to other H9 users with the same problem.

      I checked the active processes list on my Mac and after some test I found that there is probably a conflict issue between H9 control and an old RME Fireface 400 driver (3.06).

      I know, in my last post I didn't tell you anything about external audio interfaces, but till this morning I didn't know that it could be somehow relevant.

      In synthesis, when the FF400 is not connected to the MAC the H9 Control startup process freezes on boot for about 5 minutes, I can't verify but I think that the RME driver lock something in Coreaudio on Mavericks 10.9.5.

      Since I have some difficulties with the last RME FF driver (a bug on the encoder control, but this forum is not the place for such discussions), I found an intermediate version of the RME driver 3.19 and now everything is fine.

      Hope this report could be useful for someone!

      Thank you!

    • #138670

      Hm. That's interesting. We do sporadically hear about people having problems do to one audio device or another. I suppose we should start keeping a list of problematic audio devices…

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