Brand new H9 and a day full of frustration

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    • #113231

      so I got it and thought it was odd the seal was broken and the power cord coiled up in a mess.  the plastic was still on the LCD so I go for it…  then stupid me, I glossed over there being no android support.  not good.  I go to the store and buy a USB cord and hook it up.  great, ground loop.  how in the world can I get my guitar rigs and computer that is my home studio all on one outlet???  hmmm impossible.  surely this can’t be right… ok.  so moving on, put the amps on standby and hook up to USB anyhow so I can at least explore the software and get my free algorithm…  nice!  my H9 is registered under another owner.

      I’d ask about the ground loop but I can already foresee there being no way other way to control this without buying an apple phone… don’t think you can lift a ground on usb… I’d hope for an adroid solution but that will probly never happen either will it.  I hope it gets better than this…

    • #142459

      You can control the H9 from your computer and laptop with bluetooth to avoid groundloops. I am on the Windows platform and controlling both my H9’s by bluetooth and H9 Control on my desktop computer if I am at home. I am using an Asus USB-BT400 bluetooth adapter and have good results with it on Windows 7 (32-bit), 8.x and 10 (both 64-bit).

    • #142461

      Thanks JCR,  I just realized that too on my own and immediately went and bought one, it should be here tuesday. 

      sorry, I was SO frustrated yesterday  crying  I finally checked out some presets tho instead of freaking about the previous owner and getting the control app to work.  wow, this thing is amazing.  my NEW H9 should be here monday.  can’t wait to get this all working properly.

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