Time factor going creasy – earth porbem ?

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    • #143416
      Eventide Staff

      This could be a bad pot, but is more likely to be a fault in the cable between the internal boards.

      If your unit is under warranty, you should send it in.

      If not, first have a technical friend take the top off and "wiggle" this cable to see if just needs plugging in better, or if the cable itself is faulty.



    • #113465


      I sometimes have this issue with my TimeFactor :


       – the expression pedal is still working

       – the tap tempo on the aux switch too

       – but the stompbox seems to sense many changes in all the pots on the stompbox itself.

      The problem happens even if I unplug the expression pedal, the aux switch and the inputs/outputs.

      The powersupply is a european VoodooLab pedal power 2 plus with a Voodoo Lab Current Doubler Adapter PPAP.

      I have the 5.2beta firmeware (I’ve update to it because I thought it could solve this), the problem is there since the begining (I’ve bought it in august 2011), but it happens not often.

      I don’t find a way to force the problem to find its origin… do you think it could come from a bad current ?




    • #143423

      Hi, thanks for the support !

      My TimeFactor is nearly 5 years old, I don’t think the warranty will work… I’ll figure it out.

      The stompbox works very well 90% of the time, and when it’s going creasy I juste have to unplug the power for a few seconds to get it working. I’ll try to check the connections if the warranty is over.

      Thanks again.

    • #143548

      After inspection (my TimeFactor is no longer under warranty), I did not see anything really wrong, I just inserted a sheet of paper modeled on the metal / plastic sheet separating the two electronic plates.

      This metal / plastic sheet is slightly conductive, and I feel that the loose connection came from there:

      by powering the disassembled  pedal in voluntarily supporting this sheet on the top electronic plate (the one on which are soldered potentiometers) I could cause the behavior of the pedal in the video.

      Listed on the long term if the paper avoids these occasional madness of grain

    • #144561
      steve collop

      I had a problem very common on the TF, the screen would go crazy, I took unit apart and re seated the ribbon cable, this seem to fix that problem . After a few days i know have a problem where having edited my presets 1-10 the unit is responsive to changes tomsay the mix levels etc but then all the switches become frozen, turning tje unit on and off fixes this for a while but eventually the same thing happens. any ideas I would like to fix this myself. Nice Bedlington whippet by the way on eventide pic.

      • #144566

        Hi Steve,

        Just a quick review of my little work on the TimeFactor : it works perfectly since I’ve put a simple sheet of paper between the two electronic plates.



    • #144565
      Eventide Staff

      My guess is that you still have a ribbon cable problem. But, have you tried re-initialization ?


    • #144567
      steve collop

      Thanks Rom , will try that and post results.

    • #144568
      steve collop

      Thanks for info, I have tried initialising , will try Roms paper trick .

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