Saving new algorythems onto the H9

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    • #113557

      I just purchased the H9 and paired it with my iPad. In the H9 app I bought a new algorythm which I can access only through the iPad.  How can I get this new algorythm perminantly stored onto the H9 hardware so I can use it if I don’t have the iPad with me?

    • #143798
      Eventide Staff

      The Algorithm you purchased should be permanently stored into the H9 as soon as you buy it. You should be able to find it by pressing the presets button and scrolling through the different algorithms in your H9. Another thing you could do to more easily access a algorithm that you like is to save your preset into one of the banks in the H9 and you will be able to acess that specific preset easily. 

    • #143803

      Thanks for the info.

      In the H9 hardware I have 99 pre-sets (1 to 99), when I use the purchased algorythm via the iPad the diplay number shows “0” on the H9.  However, I can not access the number “0” directly from the hardware, it will only display when I activate the algorythm from the iPad. Do you know where its supposted to be stored on the H9 hardware?

      • #143804
        Houman wrote:

        In the H9 hardware I have 99 pre-sets (1 to 99), when I use the purchased algorythm via the iPad the diplay number shows "0" on the H9.  However, I can not access the number "0" directly from the hardware, it will only display when I activate the algorythm from the iPad. Do you know where its supposted to be stored on the H9 hardware?

        Preset 0 is a special preset.  It's explained in the H9 Control manual on the first page.  You can find the manual in H9 Control under Settings / Help.  You can also read it online here:

    • #143805

      Got It!! Thanks!!

      So once the purchased algorythm is in the “0” position I can save it by overriding any one of the other 99 presets on the H9 box.I   will no longer have access to the one I overrode unless I reset the factory setting.  Am I right?

      • #143806
        Houman wrote:

        So once the purchased algorythm is in the "0" position I can save it by overriding any one of the other 99 presets on the H9 box.I   will no longer have access to the one I overrode unless I reset the factory setting.  Am I right?

        Yeap.  That's how it works.

    • #143807

      Many Thanks 🙂

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