Can you I.D. these H9 effects?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Can you I.D. these H9 effects?


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    • #113834

      I found this video on youtube, the guy claims to be using an H9 with a bass.  I need help identifying the 2 different effects that he might be using.

      Here is the link for the video:

      My guess is that he is using some effects from the PitchFactor.

      Anything helps, and thanks in advance! 

    • #144925

      Well for sure it’s the crystals effect. Definately not all pure h9’d (he does step on something at the end while the h9 is at the back). 

      If i were to guess: An od/not so agro fuzz set to mid-high if od gain/low vol/tone rolled > a looper just to make that initial 2 note freeze type bed > h9 set to crystals pitched 1up. Then 2nd part he engages a whammy. Tadah

    • #145898

      Hi Guys! Sorry it Took me so long to respond….i was unaware of this until just this morning…I will become a much more active participent now. As for the video , I was in fact using Crystals with a Whammy pedal and the Timefactor…..There is a hint of Overdrive as well coming from the Suncoast B1P Preamp. you all have Great Ears! pics of my rig coming soon and hopefully some favorite settings. Eventide for Life!

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