Latency doubles when H9 is used in Pre / Post routing mode.

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    • #114046

        Unfortunately, latency doubles in pre / post mode although only one algorithm is active.

        Can this be fixed in a software update? I use an H9 in pre/post mode and a second in normal routing mode. Unfortunately, the total latency (when both are on) is becoming unpleasantly high.

      • #145878
        Eventide Staff

          Unfortunately it's the hardware – any latency is in the analog conversion, and if the signal goes through the unit twice (as it does in pre/post) you will get double the latency.

          Is there anything you can do with KILLDRY to help ?




        • #146183

            Just to be clear, the signal gets an AD/DA conversion twice in pre/post mode, even though I’m only using either the pre or the post routing? It doesn’t just ignore the unused in/out?

            • #146189
                mistercharlie wrote:
                Just to be clear, the signal gets an AD/DA conversion twice in pre/post mode, even though I’m only using either the pre or the post routing? It doesn’t just ignore the unused in/out?

                I’m pretty sure the signal is converted twice. The latency is twice as high in the pre/post mode.

            • #146191
              Eventide Staff

                To confirm – Pre/Post is a dsp feature added after the unit was designed – there is no special hardware to perform the routing.

                As a result, both inputs have to go into the signal processor to be routed, meaning each one has to go through the A/D and D/A.

                If the signal were to be ignored, it would not appear at the appropriate output.



              • #146193

                  Unfortunately, the design of the H9 has not be thought with true bypass in mind.

                • #146199

                    I have my H9 in now in the first and last loop of my Musicom Lab EFX LITE 62M. This solves the problem for me.

                    Is the True Bypass Relay in the H9 only capable of switching both inputs and outputs at the same time?

                    • #146201
                      Eventide Staff
                        workingtitle wrote:

                        Is the True Bypass Relay in the H9 only capable of switching both inputs and outputs at the same time?

                        It is – it bypasses the whole unit – that's what it is for.

                        Actually there are two bypass relays – one switches inputs and the other switches outputs – this is done so that one can precede the other and avoid clicks. This stuff is not simple.




                    • #146240

                      Not holding my breath, but I’d gladly give you guys more money to mod my H9 with additional relays so that the signal only goes through one stage of A/D D/A conversion in Pre/Post mode.

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