I am running into a wierd thing.. I can’t figure out whats the deal
Maybe its a bug?
Maybe its normal?
Maybe its my setup?
Anyway it is this:
Choose Tremoloverb. I used the “tremoloverb” preset in the “tremoloverb” algo to get there.. but I have reproduced it on a few prestets in that Algo.
Set it to BPM Tempo mode.
Now.. set the PREDELAY to something. I want 1/8.
Then Hold down the Hotswitch to make it blink. Drag the PREDELAY to zero. Press the Hotswitch again.
What I expect is for the hotswitch to toggle values. OFF to 1/8 to OFF to 1/8.
BUT when I toggle… Mine start piling up. 1/8–>NONE–>1/4t->NONE–>1/4->NONE–>1/2t->NONE–>7/16->NONE–>etc etc until it gets to the top.
I do NOT observe this behavior with tempo OFF.. it just toggles, Like I would expect.
Can I fix this? I want predelay OFF during verses.