Can we get STUTTER for the H9?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Can we get STUTTER for the H9?

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    • #114286

      As a devoted user for nearly 30 years, starting back to my h3000 purchase in 1989, I would really love to see STUTTER for the H9. Especially with all the glitchy music out these days, this could be a really cool and unique algorithm to bring back.  Pretty please?

    • #146919
      td2243 wrote:

      As a devoted user for nearly 30 years, starting back to my h3000 purchase in 1989, I would really love to see STUTTER for the H9. Especially with all the glitchy music out these days, this could be a really cool and unique algorithm to bring back.  Pretty please?

      With the UltraTap you can do some stutter type effects:

      Harpeggiator can also be used as a volume gate if you turns off the pitch stuff.  We need to make some presets and audio samples showing this off b/c you can make some neat sounds this way.

      We have also talked about making a dedicated algorithm for these kinds of effects…

    • #147048

      I am looking for a tremolo that sounds like this (starting at 30 seconds in) :

    • #147105

      That sounds like a RAMP tremolo to me. I’m pretty sure there’s a factory preset that nails that sound.

      • #147111
        spaceJam wrote:

        That sounds like a RAMP tremolo to me. I’m pretty sure there’s a factory preset that nails that sound.

        Thank you for the reply, I will check into it.

    • #147165

      You can get a great Stutter effect with the Harpeggiator algo, set the Pitch and Effects param to none and use only the Groove. You will find a pattern that looks like a square wave. And with Attack parameter, you can make it even sharper like VOX Repeater Percussion effect or smoother and get some kind of Ramp up tremolo. Good luck 🙂 

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