My h9 problem

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    • #114499

      I bought h9 used + iphone with control app because the prvious owner forgot the password. And im shock because my pitchfuzz gone when i tried repurchased its not succseed. And when i check the device when turn on its came show “h9 core” not “h9 max”. I check the control app max out already download (because the download botton is gone). I tried restored purchased but its not succeed.

      The question is. If i change the old eventide account previos owner with my eventide account. Is the device and control app still max out? Because the device when im turn on is show “h9 core”

      Please help me

    • #147884
      denysetiaji wrote:
      The question is. If i change the old eventide account previos owner with my eventide account. Is the device and control app still max out? Because the device when im turn on is show "h9 core"

      Yes, if the device was max-ed by the previous owner, then it remains a max for the new owner.  It has to have been a max though in the first place and not just to have been sharing the algorithms from a max.  Also, we have had cases where a unit was stolen from the previous owner, and then we converted the unit into a core.

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