Welcome to the MIDI world. It is not hard.. you can do it.
I am sure we can help……… but first, some questions:
!) DO you have a midi interface for you computer? e.g Can you hook your G2’s MIDI output to your computer and monitor what messages it is sending ( i rec MIDIOX on PC)?
–if not THINK ABOUT THIS.. it will really help troubleshooting MIDI
2) Do you know what PC and CC are?
— if not.. READ THIS.. it is not long, or complicated.
OK. Hopefully the answer to both of thos are YES. But even if they arent….. can you VERY specifically describe the fault? A video might be the easiest way.
OR.. if you can express what signals the G2 is sending, and you have standard H9 settings.. it may be that we can work it out.