Orville noise

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    • #115102

      Hello dear Eventide

      My trusted Orville have started to behave a bit. There is a rather loud noise comming out from only output 1. It have the character of white noise and it changes in amplitude if i change the clock internally in the unit. Also when i change the clock some crackling occurs untill it stabilizes. The noise also changes character when changing the clock.

      Please let me know if you have any suggestions to how i could treat it. Also a service place in Denmark would be appreciated


      Sofus Forsberg

    • #150835
      Eventide Staff

      Alas, this is a twenty year old product, so there is a limit to how much support we can offer.

      It does sound as though you have an A/D or D/A problem.

      Because of the age of the unit, you will have trouble finding a local service place. Your best bet is probably Sound Service in Dusseldorf (Germany), but even they may suggest you return it to the US.

      The Orville has detachable audio boards – maybe if you placed a deposit, we could send you one to see if it works.

      Before you do this, I would suggest that you (or a technologically competent person) try exchanging the two boards, and see if it makes a difference.


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