H9000 : Parallel Delays : Delay 2 & 4 not working?

Home Forums Products Rackmount H9000 : Parallel Delays : Delay 2 & 4 not working?

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    • #115342

      Hi –

      I’m back in the studio with my H9000 and trying to use the “Parallel Delay” algorithm.  It seems to work for delays 1 & 3 but not 2 & 4.

      I’m attaching my FX Chain.  What might I be doing wrong?


    • #152011
      Eventide Staff

      The session looks correct for stereo analog, I've got it loaded right now and the algorithm seems to be working fine.  What problem are you seeing exactly, no output at all from Delay 2/4 or just no delay?

    • #152012

      Thanks for checking out the session.  The problem is when I turn down Delays 1, 3, 4 and only use Delay 2, I have no output.  Same if I turn down 1, 2, 3 and use 4.  No output.

      Delays 1 & 3 seem to pass signal and delay as expected.  Panning on 1 & 3 work fine, I can move the signal to either side.  I have other effects running that all work and I’ve confirmed my physical patching is OK.

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