Using Modfactor as a Midi Controller for H9 Harmonizer

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Using Modfactor as a Midi Controller for H9 Harmonizer

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    • #115423

      Hi guys, so the EvenMidi controller is out of stock and cant find it anywhere,

      I was wondering, is there any chance that I could use the Modfactor knobs as a Midi Controller to change the presets of all the effects in the H9 Harmonizer?

      I know it would be a expensive midi controller ha, but it turns out I have the chance to get a used one for a very low price.



    • #152328
      Eventide Staff
      luisandresvargas wrote:

      Hi guys, so the EvenMidi controller is out of stock and cant find it anywhere,

      I was wondering, is there any chance that I could use the Modfactor knobs as a Midi Controller to change the presets of all the effects in the H9 Harmonizer?

      I know it would be a expensive midi controller ha, but it turns out I have the chance to get a used one for a very low price.

      Yes. When you switch presets on the ModFactory, you can send out MIDI PC messages, which can trigger H9 to switch presets accordingly as well.

    • #152329

      Great thank you! Can I bother you via pm to get some help on this?

      • #152330
        Eventide Staff
        luisandresvargas wrote:
        Great thank you! Can I bother you via pm to get some help on this?

        You can just leave all your questions here. I believe other users might also have this kind of questions or be interseted in. 

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