H9 Control frustration .. or am I being stupid?

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    • #115802

        I aolutely love my H9, and still using it after 5 years in spite of trying out advances in other pedal platforms, but I’m as frustrated as hell over the H9 Control software…. all I want to do is move presets around for different performances and then save what I have done as a batch of the changes I have made,  but I dont see there’s a way of doing that without the B*Q*X thing insisting on saving ALL of the presets EVERY time you make a move .. it seems so clumsy and disruptive to the flow of the simple process I want to achieve that I tend give up and go and make a cup of tea .. 

        …. or am I being stupid (not about the tea)?

      • #154191
        Eventide Staff
          Chalky wrote:

          I aolutely love my H9, and still using it after 5 years in spite of trying out advances in other pedal platforms, but I'm as frustrated as hell over the H9 Control software…. all I want to do is move presets around for different performances and then save what I have done as a batch of the changes I have made,  but I dont see there's a way of doing that without the B*Q*X thing insisting on saving ALL of the presets EVERY time you make a move .. it seems so clumsy and disruptive to the flow of the simple process I want to achieve that I tend give up and go and make a cup of tea .. 

          …. or am I being stupid (not about the tea)?

          You can make different preset lists in H9 Control and send any of them to your H9 for your different sets. Or you can load/change/save presets individually on/to your H9 as well. 

        • #154195

            Hey thanks but  I do know all that, and have done all that.. I’m asking whether there is a way of making changes in a preset list without the software updating with each change.. that takes forever 

          • #154201

              Being stupid? No, but maybe making a bigger issue out of an admittedly less than perfect file management system than it actually is. Make your changes, go make your tea and by the time you put the water on the stovetop, you’re good to go. 

            • #154288

                Ah ok, so it’s not me… as long we know, thanks… H9 remains a great piece of kit, and stands the test of time amid increasing competition, it was designed so well. 

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