H9000 for staple studio EQs and Comps

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    • #115807

      Any of you guys using the H9000 this way, taking place of your plugin or hardware compressors or EQs for basic sound and dynamic shaping? Favorite algorithms and effects chains for this?? 

    • #154217
      John Baylies

      I ended up recording the dry mic signals, setting the EQ with FabFilter ProQ, then copying those setting over to 1140 St.Compr > EQ45. I wish I was good enough at mixing to mix with just my ears but I rely on visuals a lot.

      It'd be great to have an 8 channel (4x stereo) algo that's just Gate -> Compressor -> EQ.

      1115 Eight Noisegates -> 3222 Compr>3band Eq 8ch is pretty much that.

    • #154294

      I’d definetely use the EQ and compressor options a lot more if you were to get the same sort of visualisation features when editting an algorithm as what you get within standard sort of EQ/Comp plugins. Have Eventide considered any sort of different algorithm visualisation editting?

    • #154296
      craig0101 wrote:

      I’d definetely use the EQ and compressor options a lot more if you were to get the same sort of visualisation features when editting an algorithm as what you get within standard sort of EQ/Comp plugins. Have Eventide considered any sort of different algorithm visualisation editting?

      I can get behind that. The H9 stuff looks as it does on the H9 app, kind of wish the other algos didn’t look quite so sterile. Perhaps in future updates.

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