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Finally the terms get a little definition! I was reading through this thread wanting to pull my hair out as "Vintage Delay" was conitinually being referred to when folks meant "Analog Delay". I'm not saying that "Mod Delay" will sound any more analog to folks on this thread, but that's the algorithm that has some of the characteristics people here are looking for – low pass filter on the repeats and modulation…sounds a lot like what many analog delays do (though some do actually get brighter as they feedback).

FWIW I have both my Deluxe Memory Man and TF on my board. I knew I was going to want to have delay effects while making loops so having two on the board was never really a question. I know this is not ideal for everyone but it works great for me.

One thing I would like to see change about the "Vinatge Delay" is that the signal feeding back should be 100% bit reduced to the degree chosen by the user. I don't know if this was updated in the second beta update (havn't loaded it yet due to janky internet connection) but in the first two public firmware iterations the bit reduced signal always has non-bit reduced signal blended together. This is definitely not the way any of the vintage delay units would behave. BTW – I LOVE bit reduction and find this to be a really cool distinguishing feature. If I could do anything to chnage this algorithm it would be changing the feedback mix as mentioned above and to make the bits go all the way down to 1.

– Elliot