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Very interesting thread. When I started to use the TF, I had a hard time getting what I wanted from the reverse patch, but I realized that the key was the crossfade knob. This is a parameter not usually found on other devices, such as L6. That might explain why some users couldn't find their mark at first.

Once I got the hang of the crossfade, I was able to use the reverse preset with great success. So I would be an advocate of not changing it!  More flexibility means more work initially, but it's worth it as far as I'm concern. 

This is the reverse preset I'm using:

Mix 8

Dmix A5 B10

D. time A3/16 B dotted half note 


x knob 3ms

(using the expression pedal, i move towards the following)

Mix 28

Dmix and D time stay the same

FBK A80 B100

xknob 100ms