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I can't find that problem here in my Eclipse v4.0B1. Adjusting t_delay from the "hot keys" changes also t_delay on the master and rev1/rev2. Adjusting t_delay from the master changes it also on the rev1/rev2 and "hot keys".

Sometimes text doesn't fit properly on the screen… for example on that preset #125:

125 DualReverse10                      t_delay: 1/2 not

I think that the parameter information could be located some more pixels to the left.

While loading a new preset there is sometimes music occuring on the output… even if nothing has been played for a moment and everything has been silent. It's like something was recorded on the memory and then the machine plays some last audio out for a very short moment while changing preset.

There are some real treasures among those new presets! 🙂 I'm hooked.