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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins H910 Flickering display on Cubase 8/Win 7 64 Reply To: H910 Flickering display on Cubase 8/Win 7 64

Flip Martian
TLongabaugh wrote:

Hi Phil-

Sorry to hear that the preset dropdown isn’t funcitoning correctly, I certainly understand that using the arrows would get tedious!

What version of Cubase are you running? The early releases of Cubase 8 on Windows had some bugs that caused this behavior in many different plugins, so I’d recommend updating to the most recent version of Cubase 8 if you can.

Additionally, you could try turning the “Always on Top”  setting off, in the Cubase plug-in preferences.

Let me know if you have further issues.


Hey Tom, many thanks for the quick response. I’ll check both of those when I get on the studio PC and see if those clear it. Thanks!