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nickrose wrote:

Alas, it is not clear from here what the problem is. It might be helpful if you would give the exact text of the message you are seeing.

Otherwise, you probably have two options:

1) Re-install 3.51 and do a complete re-initialize (8 key at startup).

2) Send it in for service (support@eventide.com).



Hi, the problem is after upgrading my Eclipse from 3.51 to 4.01(V4) I get internal memory checksum error message after the Eclipse initializes at startup.


I tried all the solutions I’ve seen suggested on the forums:

I changed the battery

I cleared setup(held setup key at startup)

I initialized at startup(held  8 key at startup)

And I still got the checksum error at startup….it boots fine until I did what I said so I was wondering if it’s a bug related to my settings or a problem worth sending it to you guys for. 

Does this cause an Eclipse to get internal memory checksum errors for you guys(bug?)

After a fresh install of V4 do this:

Go to Setup/Externals/EXT1 and Set for “Midi Single” then CC#88,

then go to Setup/Externals/EXT2 set for “Midi Single” and CC#89

Then go to Setup/MIDI switch the midi channel from OMNI(default) to midi channel 2

Then got back to EXT 1 and 2 and set the base midi channel to 0 instead of -1

Then go to Setup/Externals/FXA bypass and set for EXT1, trigger mode to On/OFF and Sense to “reversed”

Then go to Setup/Externals/FXB bypass and set for EXT2, trigger mode to On/OFF and Sense to “reversed”

It seems to boot ok before I do that….

