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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Creating Canyon Preset in H3000 Factory Reply To: Creating Canyon Preset in H3000 Factory


The Canyon Preset uses the H3000’s Reverb Factory algorithm, which isn’t included in the H3000 Factory plugin. Unfortunately, this means you won’t be able to accurately recreate that preset using the plugin.


I spoke to customer support and got a smiliar response but was recommended to come here and see if this brain trust as a resource. Say I was interested in getting in the ball park understanding that I wouldn’t get a 100% accurate and faithful preset built. Are there some paramters or settings that I could look for to build a preset in that direction? Reverb is just more finer tuned delay response IMO. If you’d dare to indulge me let’s think critically here and see if there’s something gnarley to be made with what’s in the plugin by being inspired at what’s in the unit.