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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins MicroPitch – Delay A/B knobs not saved with project in Nanostudio 2 Reply To: MicroPitch – Delay A/B knobs not saved with project in Nanostudio 2

audiogus wrote:
tlongabaugh wrote:

Hey all, thanks for reporting-

I've been able to reproduce this here with MicroPitch Delay A/B knobs, when the Tempo sync mode is set to 'Sync' or 'Manual'. I have a fix and we will push this out ASAP.

audiogus – I take it you mean to say you have a similar problem with UltraTap as well – which parameters are not recalling correctly?


Whoops, looks like my reply was stuck in the quote, anyway…

Looks like speed and predelay are not loading back in correctly when tempo sync is activated.