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pepeflores2003 wrote:

tstern wrote:

javiceres wrote:
… I also wonder whether the Tap Tempo allows for long times so you can use it to tap the start and end of a loop. Then switch between Hold and regular feedback to achieve degradation at will. This Rose evoques Eno/Lanois, Fripp, David Torn, Radiohead and many more to me.

Re. Tap Tempo, that’s a good idea.  I’m not sure what the current timeout is for the tap tempo, but we can definitely consider extending it to phrase length (again, if possible)



Any news about the Tap Tempo feature to splice in and out long loops on time accurately?

What’s the actual timeout for the tap button?

Since javiceres’ post, the TAP timeout has been increased to support long tap-times up to 15 sec.