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Home Forums Products Rackmount How do I interconnect a 1745M for use in a live situation? Reply To: How do I interconnect a 1745M for use in a live situation?


Hi Nick and John,

I’m also the proud owner of one of these. With the help of Richard Factor I got hold of a service manual which was enough to fix the few chips in the unit that were causing chaos. However having sorted out the delays I still have an issue with the Harmonizer for which my manual has no details as it was a later addition. Nick do you think I could trouble you to ask the designer for any schematic or info on the Harmonizer? It’s more than just a slight variation on the delay despite running on the same Read/Write and Address system.

I adore servicing old gear and the 1745M has got to be in the very top flight of rarities in this software driven age.

All the best to you both!
