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Home Forums Products Stompboxes Pitchfactor – turn off bank mode Reply To: Pitchfactor – turn off bank mode

Eventide Staff

    I watched the video and everything seems to be working normally. When you’re in Play Mode, the Footswitches are used to control the Effect that’s currently loaded. So, if you’ve activated one of the two presets while you’re in Bank Mode, and then you switch over to Play Mode, the last loaded preset will be the one that is affected by the controls in Play Mode, whether or not it’s bypassed or activated when you switch modes.

    In Play Mode, The Left Switch toggles Bypass/Active. An ORANGE LED located above the Left Footswitch indicates that the Effect/Preset is Active (not Bypassed). The action of the Middle Switch depends on the effect type. For some effects, the switch engages the Learn mode. For other effects, the switch is used to “FLEX” the pitch. The Right Switch lets you tap a Tempo.