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    • #159411

        While it may be handy to have structured forum to sections in many cases. It is also handy to have possibility to see all items on one page despite which section it belongs to.

        The old forum had it and almost all forums as well. I haven´t found such a way in new Eventide forum. Would be great to have such a possibility.

      • #159449
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry, I’m not sure I understand. The forum is structured the same way as the old forum, with a topic in the plug-ins forum, for example, having the path Products forum > Plug-Ins forum > topic

        • #159533

            There used to be “List of active posts” (the name was something like this, not exactly this) on old Eventide’s forum. Almost every forum has something like that. One may scan all new posts despite the section it belongs to. So, if one wants to know what is new on the whole forum topics, he has it together on one or more pages. Does not have to go to Section1, then Section2, then Section3.

            Maybe that this new forum has this feature and I do not see it.

          • #159541
            Eventide Staff

              All the latest posts in the forum for plug-ins, for example, can be seen here –
              For pedals the url is
              The posts within are sorted by most recent.
              Additionally, in the parent forum, there is a link to the most active topic in any of its child forums. This is the same way the old site worked, though it may be hard to recognize because the styling is considerably different!

            • #159555

                I see, I missunderstood the meaning of content of 🙁

                But it still is not (fully), what it used to be in old forum. There was last 20 posts (or so) in time order. Usualy several from each section.  Now, there is just one (the latest) from each section.

                There is not that much traffic on the forum, so it might do as it is now, but still the old way seems to me be better.

                • #159558
                  Eventide Staff

                    I’m sorry, but you’re misremembering the old forum :). Here is a screenshot — Screen Shot 2021-10-18 at 2.18.45 PM

                    As for the reply order, we have been having trouble with that and are working on it currently. I switched the time zone from UTC to our local time (EST) but the posts did not update their publish time. So for the next 3 hours or so there will be this issue but then everything will sync back up

                • #159556

                    Also it seems to me, the time labeling of posts works somehow wrongly….

                    My post “#159555” was written after your post “#159541”, but is placed before your one and labeled by time several hours before your post I responded to. And also before my older post #159533.

                    • #159559

                        But I do not mean this page. There was also another one. One had to click link marked something like like “Active posts”, do not remember exactly the title.

                      • #159560
                        Eventide Staff

                          Ah, I know what you mean now. I will look in to that and see if it is something we can implement

                      • #159557

                          This is written at 20:20 GMT+2 (timezone GMT+1 plus 1 hour of Dayligtsaving).

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