2 H9s with Invalid Serial Number

Home Forums Products Stompboxes 2 H9s with Invalid Serial Number

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    • #159491

      i bought two used H9s from a friend.

      One should be a Max and one a Core.

      I can connect tot he an H9s via Bluetooth, but the name for the H9s says ???? and the PIN to connect via Bluetooth is not the last 4 digits from the Serial number but 1234.

      In the end there’s no communication possible because it says invalid serial number( on both devices!)

      I resetted the H9 by pressing the Hotknob and the right footswitch( it says clear) and by pressing the big Black knob and the right footswitch( it says initial).

      I tried to use the direct updater. The device is recognized as -invalid- and the device is not updateable.

      I have no idea what could have caused the Invalid serial number thing.

      I registered one H9 with Eventide with the Serial number on the Back of the device and it says H9 Max on the Website.
      Any help is appreciated

    • #159492
      Eventide Staff

      Have you tried updating the H9s using a direct connection to your computer via USB using the H9 Control app?

    • #159493
      Eventide Staff

      Are you sure the previous owner deregistered the units?

      It is possible to customize the PIN #’s of the H9s, but you can verify the actual serial # by going into the System Settings > Utilities > Serial No.

    • #159494

      Yes, i did that. The USB connection is working( the H9 is recognized under the device Manager as H9 Pedal).

      When i open the H9 control app under Windows 10 i get the error message: Stompbox communication failed. The stompbox you are connecting to has an invalid serial number.

    • #159495

      When i go to Bluetooth PIN it says 1234 and for the Bluetooth Name it says ????.

      I’m not sure the previous owner deregistered the devices.

      I registered one device because i thought maybe it’s not working because it’s not registered. After registeation it said H9 Max in my account

    • #159496

      When i go to>Utilities>Serial number it says -Invalid-

    • #159497
      Eventide Staff

      Send me the serial number of the unit in question.

    • #159498

      I have send you an email with the serial numbers

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