Bug in H9000/Emote

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    • #160887
      Matthias Adloff


      Load chain preset “Bubbles”. It will output to 4 channels, though it is only assigned to two channels according to Emote. Bypassing or re-assigning the last algo “Room” fixes that.

    • #160888
      Matthias Adloff

      Sorry, the exact name of the chain is “BUBBLE SAMPLE”.

    • #160936
      Eventide Staff


      Sorry, I am not sure if I am understanding your issue correctly. Are you saying that when you load the Bubble Sample FX Chain preset, the output of the “ROOM” algorithm at the end of the chain is multed to the FX Chain outputs 1+2 and 3+4?

      I have not been able to reproduce this, if you could upload a screenshot or get a screen recording of the issue that would be helpful.

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