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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Need help H910 harmonizer VS the H949 Harmonizer and other ?s Reply To: Need help H910 harmonizer VS the H949 Harmonizer and other ?s

Eventide Staff


You can find a list of features for each plug-in on the product pages, but I would suggest downloading the free demo of each so you can compare them for yourself. You can achieve similar effect with both plug-ins and the H949 has more features, but the interfaces are quite different, which can lead to a different approach to using the effect. The H910 has a keyboard interface and envelope follower build into the UI.

Both of these are part of the Clockworks Bundle – https://www.eventideaudio.com/plug-ins/clockworks-bundle/

All of the plug-ins that you listed (not including Elevate) are included in the Anthology Bundle – https://www.eventideaudio.com/plug-ins/anthology-xi/

You will not need an internet connection to use the plug-ins once they are activated on your computer.