clocking connecting H900 to HDX1

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    • #162672

      Hi I have an ProTools HDX1 card.

      Primary port of HDX card  is connected to a Lynx Aurora16(n) MASTER

      Secondary is connected to the H9000

      The lynx has Word Clock in/out but no loop sync

      I also have a Lucid Genex96 clock generator

      What would be the best way to clock the system




    • #162685
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Francois,

      I think the easiest way to configure this would be to connect the Word Clock OUT from the Lynx to the H9000’s Word Clock IN, set the H9000’s clock source to Word Clock, and leave clock control off in the HD expansion card settings. The external clock generator would make things more complicated in this configuration and is not necessary. Let me know if you have any issues with this setup.

    • #162740

      I had some issue with the Lynx as master setup as I forgot to mention the Trinnov Dmon and a few more digital digital/analog preamps(Weiss,Focusrite)

      So far I was able to get Protools system working  with the H9000  and the rest of the gear using the Lucid as a master clock.

      I still have to try recording with the preamps(Weiss and Focusrite) and find the right order to power the units for the system to work


    • #162745
      Eventide Staff

      Glad to hear you were able to get things working!

    • #163747

      Apologies for the uninvited post..

      I’m looking to clock an hdx system with a couple of extra gizmos (crane song spider and a neve master buss processor) as well as a pair of analog avid hd i/o.

      I was hoping to run the 9000 as a master clock but I don’t think there’s a way to do it (or at least I’m not having any luck). Just curious if you are able to provide any guidance here? If I need to buy a sync I need to buy a sync. Thanks in advance!



    • #163748

      Funny I was just trying to do the same thing when I read your post

      I’am very frustrated with running the H900 alongside my Aurora Lynx(n)

      no luck using it on port 1.

      I did manage to make it work one day on port 2 with the Lynx on port


      Can’t make it work again

      all the green light are on but I still get some clicks

      Hope you have better luck than me, let me know if you found a way


      PS:I also tried to clock  all with a GenX96 with no success


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